Virgil Finlay

Published by Donald M. Grant, West Kingdom, Rhode island, USA, 1971.
[1225 copies.]

Back of Dust-jacket


Front of Dust-jacket


Blank pages appear on pages 6, 8, 10, 12, 64, 66, 96, and pp. 154-162. End papers not illustrated.

Drawing on the front of the dust-jacket also appears on the frontispiece on page 3. Neither of these illustrations is named, but the drawing is in fact the top right part of a two page spread for 'Incomplete Superman', 1951.

Next to the cover drawing, 'Virgil Finlay' contains four color reproductions and 37 black & white drawings in the section titled 'Selected Illustrations by Virgil Finlay'.

The number of 1225 copies is taken from the essay 'The Legend Grows' by Gerry de la Ree in the The Third Book of Virgil Finlay.