Sam Moskowitz

Sam Moskovitch became one of sf's major archivists and historians, as well as editor of many groundbreaking sf anthologies. He wrote a lengthy piece on Virgil Finlay, i.e., 'Virgil Finlay' on pages 67-94 in the 'Virgil Finlay', published by Donald M. Grant in 1971.
(More at later stage.)

Hans Stefan Santesson

Bertil Falk reported that sometime before 1975, he met Sam Moskowitz through Hans Stefan Santesson - a Swedish-American - in NYC. Sam Moskowitz one day told him that he once had stumbled upon Virgil Finlay, who no longer had any market to sell his art work to. Sam Moskowitz knew that Hans Stefan Santesson looked for a not too expensive illustrator for Fantasic Universe Science Fiction. He arranged a meeting or so between the two. Thus Finlay came to do covers as well as inside black and white illustrations for Hans Stefan Santesson.

Information on Hans Stefan Santesson supplied by Bertil Falk on Wed, 13 Dec 2000.