Illustrated Booklets

Ec'h-Pi-El Speaks ... An Autobiographical Sketch By H.P. Lovecraft.
Published by Gerry de la Ree, 1972.
[First edition limited to 500 numbered copies, 26 hardcover copies and 474 paperbound copies.]

Golgotha: A Phantasm, by Charles D. Gardette,
Published by Gerry de la Ree, 1973.
[Limited to 450 copies, 20 bound in hardcovers and 430 paperbound copies.]

Klarkash-ton and Monstro Ligriv,
Published by Gerry de la Ree, 1974
[Limited to 500 copies, 50 bound in hardcovers, 450 paperbound copies.]

Death's Dark Shadow,
Published by Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1982.